Dear Compatriots,
Tomorrow is the 31st anniversary of the Vietnam invasion on Cambodia which consequently ruled over our country for 10 years and still continues its influence until today through its installed puppet leaders-Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, and Chea Sim whose role is to implement new Vietnamization politics over Cambodia. They are subjected to implementing all the illegal treaties, 1979, 1982, 1983, and 1985 and the Border Supplemental Treaty 2005 and the recognition of the invasion day 7 January 1979 as the Liberation Day.
With this, The Cambodia Watchdog Council International (CWCI) strongtly condemns such an act of the Cambodian leaders, esp. CPP leaders who they themselves are the puppets of Vietnam.
With this, The Cambodia Watchdog Council International (CWCI) strongtly condemns such an act of the Cambodian leaders, esp. CPP leaders who they themselves are the puppets of Vietnam.
Best regards,
CWCI Secretariat
Kristiansand City, Norway
Tel: +4790818257/+4799489347

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